Green Rebirth 

"With every stroke of green and white, I feel the heartbeat of nature, an invitation to cherish and celebrate our undeniable connection with it.". Quote by Vladimir Tajc

Green Rebirth

When I apply green and white with my spatula, I feel the heartbeat of nature, an invitation to care for and celebrate our undeniable connection with it."
"Green Rebirth" is like capturing the pure essence of nature on my canvas. Lush green dominates, radiating vitality. White flows, evoking movement, and life.

Subtle touches of red add passion, like flashes of life in this green landscape. My painting represents the harmony between humans and nature, reminding us to preserve it. It invites us to contemplate the beauty and vitality of nature, appreciate its movement, and remember our undeniable connection.

It is my wish to inspire caring for and protecting our planet, remembering that nature always rejuvenates, deserving respect and admiration.

Oil on Canvas
Size: 0.60mt x 0.50mt (1,97ft x 1.64ft)
Year: 2023
Technique: Spatula

Come and visit us!  Painting at Miami Fl.

 Colombia +57 311 251-9341  


Violet and White Harmony (*)

Kaleidoscopic Essence

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