Some Art Exhibitions

Zakara Gallery Expostion

  • Artist Vladimir Tajc
    December 12, 2021 - Part 1
    "Planet Earth and Water"

Visita a Zakara y Estudio

  • Artista Plástico Vladimir Tajc

Zakara Gallery Expostion

  • Artist Vladimir Tajc
    December 12, 2020
    "Feelings and Emotions"

Exposition Art Hall of El Bosque

  • ​Artist Vladimir Tajc
    "Planeta Agua"

Zakara Gallery Exposition

  • ​Artist Vladimir Tajc
    December 12, 2021 - Part 2
    "Planet Earth and Water"

Yandi Monardo Art Gallery Exposition, Mx BCS

  • ​Invited Artist Vladimir Tajc
    June 9 2021 - Part 1 Cabovision TV
    "Planet Earth"

Yandi Monardo Art Gallery Exposition

  • ​Invited Artist Vladimir Tajc
    June 9 2021 - Part 2 - Cabovision TV
    "Planet Earth"

Exposition Interview

  • ​Interview with Yandi Monardo Local Artist and Vladimir Tajc
  • LCALC 06 de Junio de 2023 Vladimir Tajc
  •  Cabovision TV  Los Cabos BCS
  • "Planet Earth"

Exposition "Abstrakt Traces"

  • Artist Vladimir Tajc
  • Sept 229-30 of 2023
  •  At Zakara Art Gallery
  • Verniassage Day 1-2

Exposition "Abstrakt Traces"

  • Artist Vladimir Tajc
  • Sept 229-30 of 2023
  •  At Zakara Art Gallery
  • Verniassage Day 1-2

Exposition "Abstrakt Traces"

  • Artist Vladimir Tajc
  • Sept 229-30 of 2023
  •  At Zakara Art Gallery
  • Vernissage Day 1-2

 Exposition "Abstrakt Art Show Case"

  • Artist Vladimir Tajc
  • May 11 2024
  • USA, Ponte Vedra Beach
  • Hosted By Tammy and Mike Anderson and Co Hosted by Susan O'Steen

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